
Opis Muzyka Tekst

Muzyka edytuj

Autor: nieznany (XVI wiek)
Opracowanie: CC-BY-SA Mjchael i JuLiBu


Źródło: Wikibooks-Bearbeiter, patrz historia zmian Liederbuch/ Greensleeves w: Wikibooks, Die freie Bibliothek. 6. stycznia 2022, 10:37 UTC. Data dostępu: 26. grudnia 2022, 11:20 UTC.

Tekst edytuj

A-Amlas, myClove, youGdo meEmwrong,

ToAmcast me off dis-Ecourteously.

ForAmI haveCloved youGwell andEmlong,

De-AmlightingEin yourAmcompany.


CGreensleeves wasGall myEmjoy

AmGreensleeves wasEmy delight,

CGreensleeves was myGheart ofEmgold,

AndAmwho but myEladyAm,greensleeves.


A-Amlas, myClove, thatGyou shouldEmown

AAmheart of wantonEvanity,

SoAmmust ICmedi-Gtate a-Emlone

Up-Amon yourEinsin-Amcerity.


YourAmvows you'veCbroken,Glike myEmheart,

Oh,Amwhy did you so en-Erapture me?

NowAmI re-Cmain in aGworld a-Empart

ButAmmy heart re-Emains in cap-Amtivity.


IfAmyou in-Ctend thusGto dis-Emdain,

ItAmdoes the more en-Erapture me,

AndAmevenCso, IGstill re-Emmain

AAmloverEin cap-Amtivity.


I've Ambeen CreadyGat yourEmhand,

ToAmgrant whateverEyou would crave;,

IAmhave bothCwageredGlife andEmland,

YourAmlove andEgood-willAmfor to have.


ThouAmcouldst de-Csire noGearthlyEmthing,

ButAmstill thou hadst itEreadily.

ThyAmmusicCstill toGplay andEmsing;

AndAmyet thouEwouldst notAmlove me.


AmI bought theeCkerchiefsGfor thyEmhead,

ThatAmwere wrought fine andEgallantly;

IAmkept theeCat bothGboard andEmbed,

AmWhich cost myEpurse well-Amfavoredly.


AmI bought theeCpetticoatsGof theEmbest,

TheAmcloth so fine asEit might be;

AmI gave theeCjewelsGfor thyEmchest,

AndAmall thisEcost IAmspent on thee.


ThyAmsmock ofCsilk, bothGfair andEmwhite,

WithAmgold embroideredEgorgeously;

ThyAmpetti-Ccoat ofGsendalEmright,

AndAmthese IEbought theeAmgladly.


MyAmmen wereCclothedGall inEmgreen,

AndAmthey did everEwait on thee;

AllAmthis wasCgallantGto beEmseen,

AndAmyet thouEwouldst notAmlove me.


TheyAmset theeCup, theyGtook theeEmdown,

TheyAmserved thee with hu-Emility;

Thy Amfoot mightCnot onceGtouch theEmground,

AndAmyet thouEwouldst notAmlove me.


'TisAmI willCpray toGGod onEmhigh,

ThatAmthou my constancyEmayst see,

AndAmthat yetConce be-Gfore IEmdie,

ThouAmwilt vouchEsafe toAmlove me.


Ah,AmGreens-Cleeves, nowGfarewell,Emadieu,

ToAmGod I pray toEprosper thee,

For AmI amCstill thyGloverEmtrue,

ComeAmonce a-Egain andAmlove me.

Źródło: Wikibooks contributors, patrz historia zmian Songbook/Greensleeves w: Wikibooks, The Free Textbook Project.. 2 stycznia 2021 00:24 UTC. Data dostępu: 26. grudnia 2022, 11:25 UTC.

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