Programowanie w systemie UNIX/ARB: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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m →‎logistic: odwzorowanie
m →‎logistic: nowy kod
Linia 216:
./logistic n0 [x_0=0.5] [r=3.75] [digits=10]
./logistic: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Trying prec=64 bits...unable to parse input string!
a@zelman:~/arb/build/examples$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib/
~/arb/build/examples$ ./logistic 0 0.5 3.75 10Trying prec=64 bits...success!
. cpu/logistic nwall(s): 0.5 3.75 100
x_0 = 0.5000000000
~/arb/build/examples$ ./logistic 1 0.5 3.75 10
Trying prec=64 bits...success!
cpu/wall(s): 0 0.001
x_0 x_1 = 0.50000000009375000000
~/arb/build/examples$ ./logistic 100 0.5 3.75 10
Trying prec=64 bits...ran out of accuracy at step 18
Trying prec=128 bits...ran out of accuracy at step 53
Trying prec=256 bits...success!
cpu/wall(s): 0 0
x_100 = [0.8882939923 +/- 1.60e-11]
~/arb/build/examples$ ./logistic 1000 0.5 3.75 100
Trying prec=64 bits...unableran toout parseof inputaccuracy string!at step 4
Trying prec=128 bits...ran out of accuracy at step 5
Trying prec=256 bits...ran out of accuracy at step 6
Trying prec=512 bits...ran out of accuracy at step 99
Trying prec=1024 bits...ran out of accuracy at step 369
Trying prec=2048 bits...ran out of accuracy at step 906
Trying prec=4096 bits...success!
cpu/wall(s): 0.003 0.003
x_1000 = [0.7917467409224436376869853580586396204499342746098639418369939567972864824346152847471492894632044257 +/- 4.39e-101]
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