Gnuplot/palette: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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m →‎test: kod
Linia 43:
color mapping *not* done by defined gradient.
Kod :
<source lang=c>
// command.c
* process the 'test palette' command
* 1) Write a sequence of plot commands + set commands into a temp file
* 2) Create a datablock with palette values
* 3) Load the temp file to plot from the datablock
* The set commands then act to restore the initial state
static void
enum {test_palette_colors = 256};
struct udvt_entry *datablock;
char *save_replot_line;
TBOOLEAN save_is_3d_plot;
int i;
static const char pre1[] = "\
uns border; se tics scale 0;\
se cbtic 0,0.1,1 mirr format '' scale 1;\
se xr[0:1];se yr[0:1];se zr[0:1];se cbr[0:1];\
set colorbox hor user orig 0.05,0.02 size 0.925,0.12;";
static const char pre2[] = "\
se lmarg scre 0.05;se rmarg scre 0.975; se bmarg scre 0.22; se tmarg scre 0.86;\
se grid; se xtics 0,0.1;se ytics 0,0.1;\
se key top right at scre 0.975,0.975 horizontal \
title 'R,G,B profiles of the current color palette';";
static const char pre3[] = "\
p NaN lc palette notit,\
$PALETTE u 1:2 t 'red' w l lt 1 lc rgb 'red',\
'' u 1:3 t 'green' w l lt 1 lc rgb 'green',\
'' u 1:4 t 'blue' w l lt 1 lc rgb 'blue',\
'' u 1:5 t 'NTSC' w l lt 1 lc rgb 'black'\
FILE *f = tmpfile();
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__)
/* On Vista/Windows 7 tmpfile() fails. */
if (!f) {
char buf[PATH_MAX];
/* We really want the "ANSI" version */
GetTempPathA(sizeof(buf), buf);
strcat(buf, "gnuplot-pal.tmp");
f = fopen(buf, "w+");
if (!f)
int_error(NO_CARET, "cannot write temporary file");
/* Store R/G/B/Int curves in a datablock */
datablock = add_udv_by_name("$PALETTE");
if (datablock->udv_value.type != NOTDEFINED)
datablock->udv_value.type = DATABLOCK;
datablock->udv_value.v.data_array = NULL;
/* Part of the purpose for writing these values into a datablock */
/* is so that the user can read them back if desired. But data */
/* will be read back using the current numeric locale, so for */
/* consistency we must also use the locale when creating it. */
for (i = 0; i < test_palette_colors; i++) {
char dataline[64];
rgb_color rgb;
double ntsc;
double z = (double)i / (test_palette_colors - 1);
double gray = (sm_palette.positive == SMPAL_NEGATIVE) ? 1. - z : z;
rgb1_from_gray(gray, &rgb);
ntsc = 0.299 * rgb.r + 0.587 * rgb.g + 0.114 * rgb.b;
sprintf(dataline, "%0.4f %0.4f %0.4f %0.4f %0.4f %c",
z, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b, ntsc, '\0');
append_to_datablock(&datablock->udv_value, strdup(dataline));
/* commands to setup the test palette plot */
enable_reset_palette = 0;
save_replot_line = gp_strdup(replot_line);
save_is_3d_plot = is_3d_plot;
fputs(pre1, f);
fputs(pre2, f);
fputs(pre3, f);
/* save current gnuplot 'set' status because of the tricky sets
* for our temporary testing plot.
/* execute all commands from the temporary file */
load_file(f, NULL, 1); /* note: it does fclose(f) */
/* enable reset_palette() and restore replot line */
enable_reset_palette = 1;
replot_line = save_replot_line;
is_3d_plot = save_is_3d_plot;